armadillidium,  Isopods,  species profile

Armadillidium vulgare “magic potion”

These little “roly polys” are a color morph of the commonly kept A. vulgare. Magic potion are gorgeous with their crystal white background and black and yellow markings. As they grow they get more and more color with the oldest adults sporting a beautiful tricolor look.

Vulgare are one of our favorite pods to keep as they are often out and about, roaming their terrarium. They will roll into a ball if they feel threatened, but quickly unroll and keep moving. Due to their larger size, sturdy exoskeleton, and slow-but-steady way of moving these pods are great for gentle handling or observation by children.

Armadillidium species love vegetable matter in their diet, so this means they will munch on tender terrarium plants, but typically ignore waxy leaved plants such as pothos and hoya. Vulgare in particular can tolerate a fairly arid way of living, as long as they have a humid retreat to go back to.